The Coaching Program For Dads Looking To Build A Freedom Business Online

At the Fatherpreneur Success Academy, we help mission driven Fatherpreneurs build passive income empires by combining the right systems, AI, and automation with their passion & expertise.

Welcome To The Fatherpreneur Success Academy

Are you a purpose-driven Fatherpreneur ready to transform your passions and expertise into a passive income empire?

Welcome to the Fatherpreneur Success Academy, the only coaching program tailored specifically to meet your needs.

Our comprehensive approach focuses on mindset, skillset, and toolset development, ensuring you have everything required to build a sustainable, profitable business.

Let's dive into how each area of our program can help you achieve your entrepreneurial dreams.

A Winning Mindset

Empower Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

Self-doubt and fear are the biggest enemies of success. Our coaching sessions focus on identifying and dismantling these mental blocks. You'll learn how to:

  • Set Clear Goals: Define your vision and break it down into achievable milestones.

  • Embrace Failure: Understand that failure is a part of the journey and a stepping stone to success.

  • Stay Motivated: Develop intrinsic motivation and maintain a positive outlook, even during challenging times.

Cultivate a Growth


Adopting a growth mindset is crucial for long-term success. This mindset allows you to view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. Our program teaches you how to:

  • Seek Continuous Improvement: Always look for ways to improve and refine your skills.

  • Learn from Criticism: Use constructive feedback to enhance your performance.

  • Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate small wins to stay motivated and on track.

Stress Management &

Work-Life Balance

Entrepreneurship can be stressful, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential. Learn how to:

  • Prioritize Tasks: Focus on high-impact activities that drive your business forward.

  • Delegate Effectively: Leverage your network and outsource tasks to free up your time.

  • Maintain Wellness: Incorporate mindfulness practices and self-care routines into your daily life.

Master the Skills Needed for Success

Having the right mindset is essential, but without the necessary skills, achieving your goals

can be challenging. Our skillset development training equips you with the knowledge

and expertise needed to excel in your field.

Business Planning & Strategy

A solid business plan is the foundation of any successful venture. Our coaching sessions cover:

  • Market Research: Understand your target audience and identify market gaps.

  • Competitive Analysis: Analyze your competitors and develop strategies to stand out.

  • Business Model Development: Create a sustainable business model that aligns with your goals.

Marketing and Branding

Building a strong brand and effective marketing strategy is key to attracting and retaining customers. Learn how to:

  • Define Your Brand Identity: Develop a unique brand voice and visual identity.

  • Content Marketing: Create valuable content that engages and converts your audience.

  • Social Media Strategy: Leverage social media platforms to expand your reach and build a loyal following.

Sales and Customer Service

Generating sales and providing excellent customer service are critical to business growth. Our program teaches you:

  • Sales Techniques: Master the art of selling without being pushy.

  • Customer Relationship Management: Build strong relationships with your customers to foster loyalty.

  • Feedback Implementation: Use customer feedback to improve your products and services.

Financial Management

Understanding your finances is crucial for maintaining profitability. We cover:

  • Business Credit & Funding: Position your business to get access to the capital you need to thrive.

  • Expense Management: Track and manage your expenses effectively.

  • Profit Maximization: Identify opportunities to increase revenue and reduce

Master the Skills Needed

for Success

Having the right mindset is essential, but without the necessary skills, achieving your goals can be challenging. Our skillset development training equips you with the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in your field.

Business Planning & Strategy

A solid business plan is the foundation of any successful venture. Our coaching sessions cover:

  • Market Research: Understand your target audience and identify market gaps.

  • Competitive Analysis: Analyze your competitors and develop strategies to stand out.

  • Business Model Development: Create a sustainable business model that aligns with your goals.

Marketing and Branding

Building a strong brand and effective marketing strategy is key to attracting and retaining customers. Learn how to:

  • Define Your Brand Identity: Develop a unique brand voice and visual identity.

  • Content Marketing: Create valuable content that engages and converts your audience.

  • Social Media Strategy: Leverage social media platforms to expand your reach and build a loyal following.

Sales and Customer Service

Generating sales and providing excellent customer service are critical to business growth. Our program teaches you:

  • Sales Techniques: Master the art of selling without being pushy.

  • Customer Relationship Management: Build strong relationships with your customers to foster loyalty.

  • Feedback Implementation: Use customer feedback to improve your products and services.

Financial Management

Understanding your finances is crucial for maintaining profitability. We cover:

  • Business Credit & Funding: Position your business to get access to the capital you need to thrive.

  • Expense Management: Track and manage your expenses effectively.

  • Profit Maximization: Identify opportunities to increase revenue and reduce

Join Fatherpreneur Success Academy Today

The Fatherpreneur Success Academy is dedicated to helping purpose-driven Fatherpreneurs like you turn their passions and expertise into passive income empires. Our comprehensive coaching program focuses on mindset, skillset, and toolset development, providing you with the knowledge, strategies, and resources needed to succeed. Don’t wait—start your journey to financial freedom and business success today. Join the Solopreneur Survival School and transform your entrepreneurial dreams into reality!

Book A Private Call Today!

Sign up for a free 15 minute session to see which plan is best for you.

Cortez Springer

Fatherpreneur Success Academy

About Me

I'm Cortez Hustle, everyone's favorite Fatherpreneur. Over the last 9 years I've helped thousands of people make their first dollar on the internet.

What I've come to realize is that most purpose driven entrepreneurs need to go beyond just making a few extra dollars online.

In order to fulfill the purpose on their lives they need both time freedom and financial freedom. They need to divorce their income from their time in order to spend their time truly serving their purpose.

What they need is a passive income system built around their expereince and expertise.

Our mission is to help purpose driven Fatherpreneurs make more money with less effort by deploying the right systems, AI, and automation.

This is the only way that solopreneurs can stay in the game long enough, to get good enough and make the kind of money and impact that God has called them to make. #itsallaboutsystems.

I want to help you set up the systems and automation that will make you both more profitable and more impactful at the same time.

Latest Blog Articles for Fatherpreneurs

We'll help you develop the right mindset, skillset, and toolset to win online.

how to create an ebook with ai

Ultimate Guide: How to Create Your First eBook with AI

August 19, 20247 min read

“The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.”Robert Greene

how to create an ebook with ai

Traditional publishing is dead—at least for solopreneurs who want to make a real impact. In today’s digital world, if you’re not leveraging eBooks to build your brand and income, you’re leaving money on the table. With AI tools like ChatGPT, creating a professional eBook has never been easier or more accessible. This guide will show you how to harness the power of eBooks to establish authority, generate passive income, and grow your audience faster than ever before.

Step 1: Getting Started with ChatGPT

Why Use AI for eBook Creation?

First things first—why should you use AI to write your eBook? Well, if you’re a solopreneur, time is your most valuable asset. ChatGPT helps you streamline the writing process by generating content, brainstorming ideas, and even helping with editing. It’s like having a co-author who works tirelessly around the clock!

Setting Up Your Workspace

Before diving in, make sure you have a comfortable writing setup. A distraction-free environment, a cup of your favorite beverage, and a good internet connection are all you need. Open up your ChatGPT tool and let’s get started!

Exploring ChatGPT’s Interface

If you’re new to ChatGPT, take a moment to familiarize yourself with its interface. The tool is intuitive, but understanding its basic features will help you get the most out of it. Think of it as your creative assistant—you tell it what you need, and it delivers.

Prompt Ideas:

  • “Can you give me a brief overview of how to use ChatGPT for writing an eBook?”

  • “Explain how AI can assist in writing and organizing an eBook for beginners.”

  • “What are the key benefits of using ChatGPT for content creation?”

Step 2: Brainstorming and Structuring Your eBook

Brainstorming Ideas with ChatGPT

The first step in writing an eBook is deciding on a topic. If you’re struggling with ideas, don’t worry—ChatGPT can help! Start by asking it to generate a list of topics based on your area of expertise or the interests of your target audience. For example, if you’re in digital marketing, ask ChatGPT to suggest topics like “10 Proven Strategies to Increase Your Social Media Engagement” or “How to Create a Sales Funnel That Converts.”

Creating an Outline

Once you’ve settled on a topic, it’s time to outline your eBook. Outlining is crucial because it gives your book structure and ensures that you cover all the necessary points. Ask ChatGPT to generate an outline for your chosen topic. Here’s a tip: Be specific with your prompts! Instead of saying, “Create an outline,” try “Create a detailed outline for an eBook on social media marketing, including chapters on strategy, content creation, and analytics.”

Organizing Your Content

With your outline in hand, you can now organize the content logically. ChatGPT can help you flesh out each section with bullet points, subheadings, and key ideas. Remember, the goal is to keep your readers engaged, so make sure your content flows smoothly from one section to the next.

Prompt Ideas:

  • “Give me 10 eBook topic ideas related to [your niche].”

  • “Create a chapter-by-chapter outline for an eBook on [chosen topic].”

  • “How should I organize the content in my eBook on [topic] to keep readers engaged?”

Step 3: Writing the Content

Generating Content with ChatGPT

Here’s where the magic happens! With your outline as a guide, start generating content for each chapter. ChatGPT can write paragraphs, suggest phrases, and even help with research. For example, if you’re writing a chapter on email marketing, ask ChatGPT to generate a section on the importance of subject lines or how to craft the perfect call-to-action.

Keeping Your Voice Authentic

While ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it’s important to maintain your unique voice and style. After all, your readers want to hear from you! Use ChatGPT to generate content, but make sure to review and edit it so it sounds like you. A good practice is to mix AI-generated content with your own writing to keep it authentic and relatable.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

As you write, keep an eye out for repetition and filler content. ChatGPT is great at generating ideas, but it can sometimes produce content that’s too verbose. Be selective about what you include and don’t be afraid to trim the fat.

Prompt Ideas:

  • “Write a 500-word introduction on the importance of [topic].”

  • “Generate a section on best practices for [specific aspect of your topic].”

  • “How can I personalize this paragraph to match my voice as a solopreneur?”

Step 4: Editing, Formatting, and Publishing

Editing Your eBook

Once you’ve written your first draft, it’s time to polish it up. Editing is where your eBook really comes to life. Use ChatGPT to help you with grammar, sentence structure, and even suggestions for improving clarity. But remember, nothing beats a human touch, so give it a thorough read yourself!

Formatting for a Professional Look

Now that your content is in great shape, let’s make it look professional. Formatting is key to making your eBook easy to read and visually appealing. Tools like Google Docs, Microsoft Word, or specialized eBook formatting software can help you with this. Pay attention to fonts, headings, and spacing—your readers will appreciate a clean, well-organized layout.

Designing a Cover

People do judge books by their covers, so make sure yours stands out! You can use tools like Canva or hire a designer to create a cover that reflects your eBook’s theme and appeals to your target audience. A great cover can significantly boost your eBook’s visibility and sales.

Publishing Your eBook

With everything edited and formatted, it’s time to publish! There are several platforms where you can publish your eBook, such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Apple Books, or even your own website. Choose the one that best suits your goals. Don’t forget to set a price (or offer it for free as a lead magnet) and promote it to your audience!

Prompt Ideas:

  • “Suggest ways to improve the clarity and flow of this paragraph.”

  • “What are the best formatting practices for an eBook on [topic]?”

  • “Give me tips on designing an attractive eBook cover.”


  • ChatGPT: An AI language model developed by OpenAI that generates human-like text based on prompts.

  • Outline: A structured framework that organizes the main ideas and topics of your eBook into chapters and sections.

  • Formatting: The process of arranging the text, fonts, headings, and layout to ensure your eBook is easy to read and professional-looking.

  • Lead Magnet: A free resource offered to potential customers in exchange for their contact information, often used in digital marketing to generate leads.

  • KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing): Amazon’s self-publishing platform that allows authors to publish and sell their eBooks on Amazon.

Checklist: Your eBook Creation Journey

Before You Start:

  • Choose a comfortable and distraction-free workspace.

  • Set up ChatGPT and familiarize yourself with its interface.

Step 1: Brainstorming and Structuring

  • Generate a list of potential eBook topics.

  • Select a topic that aligns with your expertise and audience interest.

  • Create a detailed outline for your eBook.

  • Organize your content flow logically.

Step 2: Writing the Content

  • Start writing with the help of ChatGPT.

  • Ensure your voice and style are consistent throughout the content.

  • Review and refine content to avoid repetition and filler.

Step 3: Editing and Formatting

  • Edit your draft for clarity, grammar, and flow.

  • Format your eBook for a professional look (fonts, headings, spacing).

  • Design an attractive and relevant cover.

Step 4: Publishing

  • Choose a publishing platform (Amazon KDP, Apple Books, etc.).

  • Set a price or decide to offer your eBook as a free lead magnet.

  • Promote your eBook to your target audience.

Final Thoughts: Your eBook Journey Begins Here

Writing an eBook with ChatGPT is like having a secret weapon in your entrepreneurial toolkit. It saves you time, sparks creativity, and helps you produce a high-quality product that can elevate your brand. Whether you’re using it to generate leads, establish authority, or simply share your knowledge, an eBook is a smart investment in your business’s future.

And remember, this guide is just the beginning! If you want to dive deeper into AI tools, automation, and entrepreneurship, check out iHustle University for more resources, courses, and coaching.

Happy writing, solopreneur! Your first eBook is just the start of something amazing.

how to create an ebook
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Cortez Hustle

Everybody's favorite fatherpreneur, Cortez Hustle is on a mission to equip side hustlers and solopreneurs with the mindset, skill set, and tool set needed to build a passive income empire from their knowledge, experience, and expertise. Affiliate Disclaimer The Solopreneur Survival Blog by Cortez Hustle is committed to providing you with valuable content to help you thrive in your entrepreneurial journey. In some of our blog posts and pages, you will find affiliate links. This means that if you click on one of these links and make a purchase, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. This affiliate compensation helps support the blog and allows me to continue creating content and resources that benefit you. Please know that I only recommend products and services that I believe will provide value to you and align with my mission to support solopreneurs. Thank you for your support! Cortez Hustle

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Fatherpreneur Success Academy Coaching Plans

Basic Plan

Best For Beginners

Start/Grow Your Coaching Business

Build A Profitable Online Brand

Create & Launch Digital Products

Group Coaching Weekly

1-on-1 Coaching Each Quarter

Affiliate Program (30% Commission)

Includes Fatherpreneur Sidekick Marketing System

Pro Plan

Best For Experienced Entrepreneurs

Start/Grow Your Coaching Business

Build A Profitable Online Brand

Create & Launch Digital Products

Group Coaching Weekly

1-on-1 Coaching Each Month

Affiliate Program (30% Commission)

Course Lisencing

Build Your Own Affiliate Program

Includes iHustle University & Digital Empire System (our most advanced marketing system.)

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between iHustle University and Solopreneur Sidekick

The main difference is the all-in-1 sales system. The Solopreneur Sideckick is limited to 1 user and 50 contacts while iHustle University comes with the complete Digital Empire System. The D.E.S. is the same system that Cortez Hustle uses and offers unilited users, unlimited contacts, and the affiliate manager which enables you to create your own affiliate program. Additionally the course lisencing program allows you to license and resell our most popular courses and keep all of the profit.

Is there a contract or cancellation fee?

We believe in earning your money every single month. There are no cancellation fees or contracts.

Are the affiliate commissions monthly recurring?

Because our membership is subscription based, it's only fair that we pay a monthly recurring commission for every person you refer. However, your membership must remain in good standing in order to receive commission payouts.

Fatherpreneur Success Academy | 4220 Duncan Ave. St. Louis MO 63110

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